Website Links relating to the Brian's Work

Christian Prison Resourcing
christianprisonresourcing.org.ukOur vision is to see prisoners´ lives transformed, their relationships restored and their communities rebuilt as they understand the good news of Jesus Christ.
Brian is a founder Trustee of CPR.

Day One Christian Ministries
dayone.co.ukDay One publishes high quality and accessible Christian books for adults and children. They claim there is something for everyone from Day One, with books and booklets dealing with subjects as diverse as creation/evolution, bioethics, children´s topics, church history, travel guides, evangelistic literature, daily devotionals and principles for Christian business people. They are also publishers of the Day One Diaries that every prisoner in the UK is offered each year.
Day One Publishing have published over twenty of Brian’s books and booklets.
Praise! Trust
praise.org.ukPraise! is a hard copy and on-line hymn book for the 21st century providing an extensive catalogue of carefully chosen hymns and music for church worship. Every biblical Psalm is represented plus thoughtfully revised traditional hymns and the best of modern hymns and songs. A full search facility is included.
Brian was a founder Trustee and chairman of the Editorial Board.
The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
fiec.org.ukA fellowship of over 600 churches across the UK representing around 50,000 members and attendees each week. FIEC is committed to the historic Protestant Christian faith as set out in its Basis of Faith.
Brian has been a recognised minister of FIEC for over forty years and was a past member of the Council and later President for three years.

Christ Church Dunstable
christchurchdunstable.org.ukAn independent evangelical Christian congregation affiliated to the FIEC, and committed to the full authority of the Bible and Brian and Rosie have been active members since 2020.